Who Pays On The First Date?

First Date

We’ve come a long way since the olden days (well obviously). Many things have changed since then, such as social media and the internet. Customs are much different, from how we interact with one another to the places we interact. Everything is constantly changing and developing, so its easy to get lost in it all. For all the things in life that have changed; in this post we’ll just be focusing on one. The first date, and who pays.

The First Date

The first date was usually always instigated by the man (assuming a heterosexual relationship), and with this instigation came leadership. Which meant he decided where they went, what they did, and subsequently paid for it. It only seems right that you pay for what you arrange, in all honesty. Nowadays, how a first date is arranged is a little hazy. As there are so many lines and windows of communication, setting up first dates can be quite casual. It’s easier to contact people these days and have a dialogue, which means theres not as much a need to boldly approach someone (cold) to request a date. Sometimes women initiate the date, sometimes men do, sometimes they’re just initiated through conversation.

First Date

So Who Pays Now?

In my opinion the man still pays (but Im quite old school tbh). In today’s day and age I think whoever initiates the date should come with the expectation of paying for it (“Im only on this date because you asked me..”); however if it’s the woman who initiated the date, then the man should step up and at least offer to pay the bill or contribute to it (bare in mind, he may not have the money for an expensive date; in which he didn’t arrange). A change in times have also brought about equal opportunity. So many women will want to pay and greatly insist on it. There’s no shame in splitting the bill, if both parties insist on paying either.

First Date Trivia

A little while back we recorded a Morts & More Moment around some quick fire questions on first dates. Check it out below;

Who Pays On Your First Dates?

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