Brown shoes with Black Suit… Just Stop It

Black Suit Brown Shoes

I’m not sure where it started or why but it is not and never has been a good look. Brown shoes with a black suit is something that needs to be talked about more often.


Brown Shoes With A Black Suit Are Bad, But Why?


The contrast between the black and the brown is just far too harsh. It’s an eye sore.

There is caveat though. Black shoes can be worn with a brown suit. With the darkest colour being on your feet, it just flows better. I hope this doesn’t confuse.

I read on a blog recently (which shall remain unnamed) that brown shoes could indeed be matched with a black suit. If you got the contrast right (*blank stare*). If you ever come across that blog post, ignore it, they don’t want you to succeed. They also stated that it could work as long as you wore it with confidence. Ha! I’m all for confidence, and I’m the first to say how important confidence is to looking and feeling great, however using confidence in this case is gross misconduct. Would you say a man can pull off 6″ heels with his business suit if he struts with confidence? I didn’t think so. Confidence brings your style to life but it can not overturn a fashion faux pas.


Black Suit Brown Shoes


I remember first seeing it when I worked at The Orange phone shop in the Birmingham Bull ring many years ago. We had to wear a black shirt and trousers as our uniform. Even then, in the days where my daily outfit almost always consisted of a pair of trainers (‘sneakers’ for my American friends), I knew that brown shoes with our black uniform was a bad move. It’s funny as quite a few of the guys would wear them purposely because they felt it looked better than black shoes (hahaha sorry), that’s like the guy who wears white football boots (no one passes to that guy).


How Should Brown Shoes Be Executed?

If you’re a guy who loves to wear a nice pair of brown shoes (which I am too might I add) then pair them with trousers or suits that are ‎blue, brown or grey. Simple.


We look forward to seeing you styled up to the nines when you’re next in a suit.

Have any style questions you want answered? Send them into

As always contact us here to come in and have a suit consultation to take your first impression to another level

See you soon


p.s. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@mortsandmore) or Youtube (Morts & More Moment) for  more of your useful style advice  and Instagram (@mortsandmore) for style inspiration

7 thoughts on “Brown shoes with Black Suit… Just Stop It

    • MrMore says:

      Hi Lewis, Thanks for reading. I love brown Chelsea boots and I like black jeans, just not together. For the same reasons of not wearing a black suit with brown shoes to be honest.

  1. Andy says:

    I was always taught that shoes should always be darker than your trousers.
    I was also taught that with a suit, socks should always be the same colour as the trousers, but that’s not always the case nowadays, is it?

  2. bb says:

    rules are for people who can’t think for themselves or don’t have a sense of style. it is not a matter of what but how. best of luck guys

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