If you’re on Instagram (which as of April 2017, boasts 700 Million actively monthly users) and you’re interested in men’s tailoring, then I would happily bet a large sum that you’ve come across an image of Daniele Zaccone. Also know as Danielre (by his Instagram handle), his images can be seen reposted and shared across a host of fashion accounts. So when one of our youtube family suggested his name to be use in a Style Salute, we could not say no.

Danielre – Style Inspiration
He is a man of many combinations. Rarely showing his face but always a new suit and accessory combination. There’s a consistency to his page. The poses are almost always identical to the last and the focus is always the garments. He has created an amazing style inspiration page. And for that reason Danielre, recieves our prestigious Style Salute!
Take a look at the video below to watch the style salute in full. We hope you enjoy.

Morts & More Moment
Have You Been Inspired By Danielre?
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We look forward to seeing you soon; the most stylish guy in the room.
Have any style questions you want answered? Send them into ask@mortsandmore.com
As always contact us here to come in and have a suit consultation to take your first impression to another level.
p.s. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@mortsandmore) or Youtube (Morts & More Moment) for more of your useful style advice and Instagram (@mortsandmore) for style inspiration.
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