It’s your wedding day. You’ve sourced your suit, shirt and tie but what about the Scooby Doo’s? Thats the shoes btw. In my humble opinion, wedding shoes cannot be an after thought. They have to be a well-considered accompaniment to the suit.
With quite a few styles to pick from, it makes it easier to carve out a semi-unique look. Some guys may prefer a lace-up, others a slipper. Either way there isn’t a wrong answer, but simply looks which will convey different messages. In this post I am going to break them down.
Wedding shoes

The most popular go to shoe has to be the lace-up (which will most likely be an Oxford or a Derby). These shoes when in black or brown, are the most sensible and formal. If you’re an understated classic guy, stick to a black leather lace-up shoe or you can opt for brown if your suit is (any colour but black). Ps the darker the colour shade of your suit, the darker the brown of your shoes and vice versa.


If you’re a guy who likes to keep it simple but also would like a bit more character than the everyday lace-up, then opt for a monk strap (whether single or double). Once described as the “most advanced” dress shoe, the monk strap is somewhat of a cross between a lace-up and a loafer. Ps Monk straps play the fence when it comes to formality. They can easily be at home with a three piece suit as they are with a pair of jeans.
For the man who wants the laid back, relaxed, fun and more casual look; loafers are the perfect go to. Even within the range on loafers itself there is a line of formality. The leather options being the more formal, and the velvet slipper options being the more playful. The slipper options definitely whisper in your ear that you need to go sock-less and have some ankle on display. In my opinion, anyone opting for loafers should also be wearing tapered trousers with a narrow ankle (to achieve the best look).

What Type of Shoe Did You or Will You Wear To Your Wedding?
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Thanks a lot. Such a informative article.
I just bought a brand new black Oxford shoe with brogue from Louis phillipe (India) and I think it’s perfect for my business suit and for attending business meetings and interviews.
I wore black oxfords, but the trousers were too long, so no one seen very much of them. Lesson learned but not aiming to do it again 😉