Winter Warmer – Men’s Light Down Jackets

If I told you the winter was coming, you’d look at me like I was crazy (if you’re from the UK). Because for the past two weeks Winter has well and truly crept up and slapped us in the faces.

Winter Warmer

In times like this the first instinct is to always reach for the biggest winter coat, accompanied by the woolly hat, scarves and gloves. Sounds justified to be fair; but there are some guys that would like to stay warm without having to carry all of the extra baggage. For a long time it’s been all or nothing. That was until the ‘light down’ (a slimmer, sexier puffer jacket) came along. I’ve seen these worn over a shirt/jumper or more beautifully, under a suit jacket (as they’re so thin). They tend to take up no more room than a cardigan. They very light and comfortable but most importantly they keep you very warm. The added beauty is that they come in an array of very simple and subtle colours, so they can match most outfits seamlessly.

Light down jacket


Light down jacket 1


mens body warmer

I’ve been seeing these downs for a while now and simply thought of them as a fashion accessory. That was until I actually walked into uniqlo and asked questions about the ‘ultra light down jacket’ they stock. I was told about its construction and mighty fill power (the stuff that keeps you warm).

Light down jacket 2

Now this is in no way a promo for uniqlo; many brands produce these jackets, including ‘Norse Projects’ and ‘Patagonia’ to name a few. That just happened to be the store I walked into.

Ultra Light down jacket


Ultra Light down jacket 2

So, if you’re not a big fan of the big winter coat but want to stay warm and stylish, then give the ultra light down a try.

What are your thoughts on the Ultra Light Down?


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